A recent self portrait painted for the Treasure Valley Artists Alliance (TVAA) installation at the Modern Event. Many of the members painted portraits that were all hung in a grid style on the side of a local building. It was impressive to see! I wish I had had my camera that night.
Anyway, this portrait is directly related to the dream I had back in 2005 about my dad. I forgot I had written the dream down and happen to come across it in an old notebook just a week before my dad's heart attack. I included it in the visual journal I kept while daddy was in the hospital. About a month ago I sat down with him and shared my journal with him. We both cried. Reading the dream to him was particularly difficult. But I feel so very blessed to have these extra moments, days, weeks and months with him. I know most who have experience what our family went through never had the gift we now treasure. More time.
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beautiful post - the words and the images...
time with our parents is indeed precious... hope you have a lovely father's day together on sunday - my dad and brother are coming for lunch :)
I just found your blog from a Pinterest post (and Flickr)and I LOVE your art journal pages. I noticed one of your 2001 goals is to apply to teach at Journalfest.. one day I hope to attend...
Thanks, Emie
ooppss... my bad.. it was your 2010goals...
Hi Claire,
Thanks for the note :) I was able to spend the weekend prior to Father's day with my dad. It was wonderful. Hope you had a good time with your special men too!
Hi Emie,
Thank you so very much for spending the time to find my blog. If you get a chance to attend Journalfest you wont regret the time or cost. It is magical. This will be the third year I have been lucky enough to teach there. I always leave feeling refreshed and reenergized.
Hugs to you both!
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